Sunday, August 19, 2012

chemo day 7

We are at chemo day 7.  Chemo is doing what chemo does.  It's that simple and it's that complicated.  There is extreme fatigue, there is nausea that is never ending and of course, there is constant pain and just general discomfort. 

The first 5 days of chemo are the "active" part and thankfully those are behind us.  On Day 5, the needle delivering the secondary chemo drug 5FU (I have my own idea on why it's called 5FU, but I'll leave that alone)....anyway, the needle to the porta cath fell out in the wee hours of Friday morning.  Dad was scheduled to have completed that treatment and have it removed a few hours later, so that turned out to not be a big deal.

When he had his weekly blood work completed also on Day 5, the numbers showed that he was not getting nearly enough water.  Getting enough water to stay hydrated is one thing.  Getting enough water when you are undergoing chemo is another.  There is no way that he can drink that much water so that is now going through the feeding tube as well.  Since too much through the tube at once increases the nausea and bloating the basic plan is a little bit at a time, all day long.  That is the only way to reach the intake quotas for both nutrition and hydration.   

Since there is so much that needs to be administered in one day, it's really easy to lose track of it all. There are drugs every 12 hours, some every 4 hours, some after eating but not less than an hour before anything orally, etc.....that is not counting the feedings and hydrating either.  So, Mom and I sat down and figured out a daily schedule to make sure that we timed it all properly and that he gets all that he needs to fight the fight and stay strong, hydrated, nourished and comfortable.  Creating a perfect schedule on paper is way easier than actually carrying it out, but we are getting there.  Each day brings its own surprises and we are rolling with the punches.

One another note, tomorrow is day 1 of radiation.  Radiation will continue for 5 days a week, for the next 5 weeks.  Luckily, the treatment itself only takes 5 minutes each day.  If effective, the main tumor will shrink and there will be relief from pain.   We are holding out for "effective"...

This quote has been encouraging me lately.  We aren't dancing.  I'm not gonna lie.  We are mostly holding hands and shuffling, but that's okay.  We are grateful that we are a family that is filled with love and when one of us hurts, we all hurt.  When there is joy for one, there is joy for us all.  We are together in sunshine and we are together in rain. 

So...No matter what tomorrow brings, we will face it together.

....Team Poppa


  1. Confident that the care couldn't be better or love any stronger than what you all have together as a family. Amber, your communications are wonderful and so comforting. The worry is there for me but the cyber connection helps to deal with the separation. Continuing prayers and positive thoughts your way. Love, Anna

  2. Thank you for the updates Amber. You are doing an incredible job explaining the process of chemo and radiation, and everything tha is happening. Uncle Rich, I can't wait for the day you are feeling good again and ready for visitors. I miss our funny emails and our bantering back and forth. Just not the same opening my email and none are from you. Always remember, YFN loves you soooooooo much!!!

  3. Thank you for the updates Amber. You are doing an incredible job explaining the process of chemo and radiation, and everything tha is happening. Uncle Rich, I can't wait for the day you are feeling good again and ready for visitors. I miss our funny emails and our bantering back and forth. Just not the same opening my email and none are from you. Always remember, YFN loves you soooooooo much!!!

  4. Everyday I read what is going on in the Everett household and I feel so helpless. I can not wait for the day we all get together and say WHEW that was to close for comfort. Annie and I will be toasting Rich - Amber will be preparing dinner (what a great cook) Mark will be pouring the drinks and the boys will be running around like crazy....can't wait to see this on the blog.....Love you TON'S Nancy

  5. Hi all,
    Thanks Amber for the update! For the hydration, try some coconut water. I drank one a day. Each day I had chemo and radiation. It helped immensely! He may not be able to do it, but keep it in your bag of tricks, just in case. I drank the ZICO brand. It helps for potassium replenishment, etc. and was the best thing I found for additional hydration when I needed it! I have also heard about aloe vera juice being good when your throat is sensitive.
    Sounds like your family has learned how to "Dance in the Rain" very nicely! Love and prayers to you all.
    Go Team Poppa!
    Your cousin and niece,

  6. Thanks Amber for the update...You are right...Family is a big part of your dad's strength...hang in there...You have a large...very large prayer circle and prayer works...also have you considered med marijuana...I have heard that is the best thing that takes care of the nausea. We in California are lucky to have access to it.
    May God Bless you in strength and peace.Thank you for your kind words for Robins passing...she is in a much better place..
