Thursday, August 23, 2012

hello rollercoaster

This week has been a roller coaster.  Dad started radiation on Monday and by Tuesday, was extremely weak and tired.  To the point that it was concerning, even to the doctor and oncology team.  When we took him for his oncology appointment Tuesday, they thought maybe there was an infection, maybe his white blood counts had gone down, maybe his electrolytes were off, maybe his kidneys were not functioning properly.  The blood work showed the opposite.  Everything looked how it should.  White counts were okay.  Kidney numbers were off a little, but functioning and doing their job, no electrolyte issue.  No sepsis.

At one point while we were waiting in the chemo lounge with all the other patients staring at us, Mom leaned over and whispered: "I don't get the impression that this is normal."  All I said was "Mmmhmmm..."

So, as a process of elimination, and with all the dangerous complications ruled out, we realized that maybe we needed to alter some things.  Dr. Kosmo (Dad's oncologist) made changes to several medications.  He prescribed a new nausea medication which is stronger and dissolves on the tongue.  Dad had started refusing to take the anti-nausea med they prescribed because it was oral and hurt too much to swallow.  As a result, the nausea was out of control.  Dr. K also had my Dad get fluids via IV in the chemo lounge while he spoke to mom and I.  The change in Dad post-IV fluids always astounds us.  It's like he is a completely different patient.  More stable on his feet, more alert, more expression on his face.  So, with that, Dr. Kosmo decided that the best thing to is to have a nurse come to the house every day this week and administer fluid directly into the bloodstream, via the porta cath.  The nurse starts 1 liter a day and my mom is able to unhook it once it's completed. {We now use words like "hypo" in the Everett household}...

Hydration is a huge key to Dad feeling good.  Going through the IV they are also able to add things like potassium and electrolytes, which is even better.  Hydrated, Dad uses words like "Indeed!"... Dehydrated, he barely uses words at all.  Staying hydrated is turning out to be a huge part of staying in the game.

The drug change combined with the IV fluids is working.  The extreme weakness seems to have abated for now, although he is still sleeping quite a bit.  The new anti-nausea med seems to be working as well.

He actually asked for ice cream this week:

"Strawberry, but no chunks of strawberry in it.  And sherbert.  But not sorbet.  Pineapple.  No not pineapple.  Strawberry.  Or black cherry.  Raspberry. Just make sure it's red."
.......I love my Dad ;) .......He hasn't had a ton, but just the fact that it's going down at all is great.

We are still fighting the weight loss, but do seem to be on the upswing with getting more nutrients in him.

As to the radiation, Dad is on day 3.  Today was supposed to be Day 4, but the machine went down.  Seriously?  The radiation machine goes down??  I'm sure Dad was secretly grateful, but we really wanted to see him get treatment today.  If the radiation is effective, it can mean so much.  For the 3 days that he has had, he seems to be tolerating it well. 

Every day holds its own victories and obstacles.  We are doing our best to be grateful for the victories and find solutions for the obstacles.

All the credit for us surviving the daily battle at all goes to my saint of a Mom.  There is no one more patient, more loving or strong.  She is truly amazing.  She never loses her cool, never speaks an unkind word, never gets agitated.  She is completely calm, cool, collected...and she is focused on getting the best out of each day for my Dad.

Thank you for the love, prayers, cards and sweet messages. There is lots of pain and heartache in the world.  We feel humbled and grateful that you all care about ours.

....Team Poppa


  1. I have been praying that the radiation reduces the size of the tumor and that your dad is feeling better soon. Again, thank you for keeping us posted and let me know if there's anything, anything at all that I can do to help you guys. Hoping your dad keeps asking for that ice cream!

  2. You have an amazing family, Amber. Your dedication to this blog really paints a picture of what is happening and the emotions you are collectively experiencing. Keep fighting together because that is obviously impacting results. You are all in our thoughts and prayers...God Bless...and give the man his ice cream! :)

  3. Give your sweet,awesome mom a big hug from us! Love you all!

  4. We love you Rich and know you are going to get through this. If you can't get the ice-cream down, hey remember big sticks? You used to eat those by the boxes. Your family's support, along with your power to move forward into the next phase of your life, will get you through this. We are all there by your side.

    Love, Sandy

  5. You have to admire a family with the strength and quality yours has !! Thinking and praying for Team Poppa daily !! Oh and you just have to Love a Man that Loves Ice Cream !!!! Just Saying !!!

  6. Richard, Annie, and Amber

    We just wanted to let you know that each of you come to mind several times throughout our day. And along with each thought is a heartfelt prayer for comfort, healing, freedom from so much pain, and some well deserved rest. I suspect you each need to get more restful sleep than what you are getting.

    Amber, thank you for keeping us all informed as to your dad’s progress. I’m sure it must be difficult to relive each day and to rethink all the discomfort (to put it very mildly) that Richard is going through, but it is very helpful for us in that it gives us ammunition for specific prayer requests.

    Annie, Amber has described you to a tee. On top of the grit, the patience, and the devotion to Richard, I’m sure you have faith working for you as well. Talk to God. He will listen. Tell Him what you want and believe that He can deliver it. If you think you need more faith, ask for that too.

    Richard, I love you like a brother. I wish there was more I could do for you but I guess talking about you to our Heavenly Father is probably the best thing I can do. Mary and I both are doing quite a bit of that and, guess what . . . I’m even praying for the doctors who are treating you . . . and I really believe my prayers, and the prayers of everyone else, are going to be answered. I believe you’re going to beat this thing and when you do, I would like to have another “garage talk” with you like we had before. Those few minutes were some of the best we’ve ever spent together.

    Well, y’all. Get some sleep and above all, keep the faith.

    Love you

    Bob and Mary

  7. We are glad to hear the fluids are helping. We laughed when we read how he asked for ice cream "...anything red". Maybe he should wear his cute red gnome hat when he eats his red ice cream.
    You are always in our thoughts and we love you!

    Amber you are doing a great job keeping everyone informed.

    Russ and Brandee

  8. Your mom is a saint....who loves your dad very much...but you too are a saint keep us in touch with Rich's journey....give your dad and mom a hug for me and krissy and for little mike too...we love you all

  9. Baskin and Robbins is the boys favorite place to go (other than YoYo) and I know they would like to get Poppa something. You just let me know I would do anything for you guys. Don't hesitste to ask.... Big Hugs to the two of you. Nancy and Gary

  10. Mom and dad I miss you both and wish I was still with you. I always cry when you leave Catalina or we're at your house and we have to leave. I wish we all lived closer. Amber we make a great team. I love you very much. We'll be there soon and dad you and I are going to watch some movies . Keko and Kona are wishing they were on the couch with you....

    Love you,

