Wednesday, August 15, 2012

straight through it

Last December, when I was feeling particularly frustrated {at things I would laugh at from where I sit today} I sent the above message to my Dad.

I love what he said:

"When you get to the wall, look for a way around, over, or under it.  If that won't work, take a deep breath, buckle up, knuckle down and go straight through it!"


There is no way around, over or under cancer.  We have to go straight through it.

We are going straight through the nausea, pain, weakness, and extreme fatigue.  Today is day 3 of chemo.  Each day, the chemo side effects hit a little harder than the day before and each day he and my mom and all of us, keep walking through it.

Each day we wake up, take a deep breath, buckle up, knuckle down and go straight through it. 

It's how we made it through yesterday and it's how we made it through today and it's how we are going to make it through tomorrow.

And we ARE going to make it through it. 

....Team Poppa

PS In case you are wondering...those letters at the bottom of his message to me:
DLYVMNMW = Daddy Loves You Very Much...No Matter What


  1. Love this blog. Love you Amber and dad......


  2. Love you all, and with a picture I look at everyday of you all. I pray for you ALL DAY LONG! Lots of love Katie

  3. I hope its ok with you...I copied your words and sent them to my older sister Robin and her family...she has cancer of the abdomen and liver and lesions in her esophagus and ....well..last night she ended up the er for 5hrs from major nausea. she could use your advise...thank you rich....God Bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you rest.

  4. Love and Prayers to you. This blog is the best! Nice Job! A fantastic job explaining everything! Uncle Rich, just because I joined your Hairless Head Club, did not mean you needed to join my Cancer Club! Truly Unbelievable! I am right here with you as you were with me! All of you! I love you! Hang tough! Stay Strong! When you need motivational music, I still like All American Rejects
    "Move Along". It was and is my theme song. It is a great pick me up!
    xoxoxoxoxo April

  5. Terry you are in my thoughts. We're here if you need anything. I know dad is loving everyone's thoughts and prayers.

    Love you,

    Sherry and Big Mike xoxo

  6. Everyday thinking of you all!
    Paula K.
