Saturday, August 4, 2012

quick weekend update and team poppa

Just a few short updates...
Our family is having a pretty mellow weekend, taking a little time to rest before we ramp up next week.

We are still trying to get a handle on the pain and the overall fatigue.

At 5:30 Monday morning we check into the hospital and Dad will have the porta-cath installed. This will help to make it easier to administer the chemo and the radiation.

On Tuesday, they will install the feeding tube directly into his stomach. This is a huge relief for us all, as keeping him nourished and hydrated has been a major struggle. There is just too much pain to get anything down. Believe it or not, he is actually looking forward to having the feeding tube in.

Please keep holding out good thoughts and prayers that both procedures go easily and provide some progress in the journey.  Thank you for standing beside us. 

...Team Poppa

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  1. Praying for your Dad and your entire family!

  2. Rich, love heals and comforts. You have plenty of that and your own tenacity. You will make it through this ordeal. With Annie and your family making sure that you have the best of care and treatments…I can only say, “Look out cancer cause’ they’re going to get you.” Hope to see you sometime soon. In the meantime, you are in my prayers. As Winston Churchill said, “When you are going through hell, keep going.” Love, Anna

  3. Rich and family,our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Keep your mind strong along with your faith as you are doing your treatments and you will beat this. Positive energy from Iowa to you.Love Debbie

  4. Anna I love that saying..."When you are going through hell, keep going.".

    Dad we love you so much. We'll be there soon. We're going to fight hard!

    Love you,


  5. Thinking of you every day all day and know you are getting the best care with your family by your side!!

    Love Paul and Sandy
