Friday, August 3, 2012

the starting point

After some discussion as a family, we have decided that starting a blog to document our family's journey through cancer is the best solution to keep our friends and family updated.

None of this is easy to talk about and none of us can bear the burden of repeating it again and again. We will post updates here as often as we can, to keep everyone up to date. I will post sometimes and sometimes it will be my mom, my brother or my dad.

So here we go...

There is no way to sugar coat what we are going through. It is cancer. It is advanced. It has spread. What started in the esophagus and stomach is now in the liver and 2 lymph nodes. That being said, my Dad is determined and brave and has said from the first moment that we will fight aggressively with every option made available to us.

Our plan is three part:

1. Manage the nutrition
The dramatic weight loss and inability to eat and swallow have been a big concern. We are proceeding with a feeding tube to be inserted directly into his stomach to be able to control the nutrition while bi-passing the tumor and pain.

2. Manage the pain
We have started a new, more regimented pain management this week and it appears to be helping some.

3. Stop, shrink and kill cancer cells
This will be done through a combination of chemo and radiation for now. We were hoping for surgery, but that option is not the best course of action available to us right now. If the radiation can shrink the tumor effectively, we may explore that again a couple months down the road. Chemo will start this week and radiation probably the following week. He is having a porta-cath installed Monday via surgery to make the radiation and chemo easier to administer.

That is where we are. At the start. There is fear and there is love and there is heartbreak and there is strength. We are a family. Always. We are in one another's corner, and come what may we will fight together.

At the oncologist Tuesday while discussing the options, he looked me right in the eye and said:

"This is what we're going to do: we're gonna kick this thing in the ass."

So that is what we are going to do. He is impossible to argue with and I'm not gonna try. We're gonna kick this thing in the ass.

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the messages and words of support and love. They are so appreciated. My Dad will be reading every post and every comment, so please comment away here on the blog as well!

Let's kick some ass.


PS..If you would like to have updates delivered to your inbox, you can become a follower of this blog.


  1. Just reading this gave me chills. Just last year my uncle had this exact same cancer. He had a major surgery and lots of treatment at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in SLC. Long story short. He is now cancer free! It was a long rough road to get there but I am with you guys, fight like hell and kick ass! =) Sending love and prayers from Utah.xoxo

  2. Looks great sis! Another task she is spearheading for our family. Thank you and we love you.

    Love Mike & Sherry

    "Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately, he didn't teach me everything he knows."
    -Al Unser

  3. We are all in your families corner..... Miracles happen all the time... So kick ass, I love your dad's spirit ! If you ever need anything , even just to drop something off I'm in Temecula every week and would happy to help ! Love and prayers always !

  4. I love it, great job Amber! MFU, its time to kick some ass! Some days you will feel strong, and the days you don't.....just have a ton of people who love you and will keep pushing you.....we won't let you give up! Everyone is in your corner to help you and your family. Just concentrate on getting you well. You are so loved. YFN

  5. Such a great picture of your family! Great decision to set up this site. When we set up one like this for Darin it took some of the pressure off of us trying to call everyone. I hope that being able to read all the messages of love and support from your family and friends will give you the strength you need to get through the tough days. We love you. We are here to help with what ever any of you need.

  6. What a beautiful picture of an inspiring family! Sending lots of love and strength to your entire family!!! I have no doubt that your dad will kick ass! We're all here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need it! Praying all the time!

  7. Mom and Dad awake missing you both. We'll be back soon. Keko, Kona and I want to move in. You know how much I love to do laundry (I know you're smiling now) saying this daughter-in-law has OCD. xoxo love love love you,


    1. Amber you are an amazing woman! Crow, I fell for you the first time we met. You and Annie exemplify love, support, humor, dedication to each other and the awesome connection of family/friends. I know you have what it takes to fight! You are strong, stubborn and determined. You are surrounded by love and support of those close and further away. We have your back!! Sending you oodles of LOVE...Goose

  8. We are a strong and loving family. We CAN kick some ass and we will conquer. We are all in this fight together. I am proud to be a part of the family.
    Your son, Mark.

  9. I will never forget the day we 1st met -the BBQ. I'm not sure we knew there would be a wedding but what I am sure of is when you left I said "I really like them". From that day forward we have been the best of in laws. We are a strong and loving family and we are not going to let anything ruin that. So here we go UNITED TOGETHER BECAUSE WE LOVE EACH OTHER. Love you- Nancy

  10. Hello family,
    Your all in our thoughts and prayers! This is a tough time but I encourage all of you, your a very tough family! The Kennedy's are and have always been there with you. I remember the houseboat trip, and the trip through Donner Pass in the fire. We didn't sink the boat and we made it through the fire. Ok, Annie almost didn't make it, but oh well. I look forward to seeing you soon. You all know if there is anything we can help with we are there. Well for now take care Rich and look forward to our time together. Your Bro
    Mike Kennedy

  11. Great job Amber! We love you Rich and I know you feel the love and support from all of us. I think about you daily and will continue to pray for you to get thru this as painless as possible. You are one stubborn SOB so getting through this is not going to be the issue. May god grant all of you strength during this tough time. You KNOW ALL OF THE BRASSARDS are here for you and anything you may need. <3 to you, bye for now....

  12. Hey...Everetts...Mike (little) just emailed me with the "challenge" Rich has ahead of him. My prayers are with you and the family. If anyone can kick this in the butt Rich can. Your all a beautiful family I and Mike have been blessed to know. May God's healing power be displayed in Rich. We love you all.

  13. A part of our shared history, over 50 years for some of us, is the awareness of the courage, love and sharing among us through the good times and the times of stress, anguish and fear. In my recollection, (I'm the eldest) not one of us has ever been without the presence and immediate support of one, if not all, of those in our circle of love.
    When we are all enjoying ourselves with laughter, memories and fun times together, there is still the constant awareness of the contribution of each individual to keep alive our bond of spirit and love, even if they are not at that gathering.
    As our families have grown and disbursed to so many places, we know of the unbroken circle we all share. We are loved unconditionally and always one phone call away from whatever physical or spiritual need we have.
    It is with this love and joy that we can conquer any fear... we can laugh at adversity... we can be warm and safe in the arms of each other.
    We are with Poppa and his family in our circle of love and support and all practicing our kicks.
    Love and Blessings, Janet

  14. Paul and I are keeping the faith with Team Poppa, know that Rich needs all of our prayers - we are with you.

    Love, Paul and Sandy

  15. Rich - Annie My immediate thought is No Way. Then I start remembering those little snippets of time spent with you both. You are beautiful people inside and out and I have no doubt that you will "kick this in the ass". Stay strong.
    Lots of Love - Roy and Stephanie

  16. Rich,
    We are so sorry that you have to fight this fight. But, we are keeping you in prayer and know with that and the love and support of your family and friends you will get through this! Your such a wonderful example of what a father and grandfather should be. You have always treated us with such love and kindness! Thank you<3
    We love you!
    Paul, Beth, Lauren and Jason Weigel XOXO's

  17. Hey, Team Poppa
    Fruit Loop or not, it is a God thing. Praise the Lord!

    Richard, just as so many others are doing, you know that we are praying for you too. You are in good hands and don't for one minute allow the devil to steal any victories that come your way. He'll try. He'll say things like, "Look at that. Your colon isn't where it's supposed to be and, on top of that, you have pancreatitis! It looks like you're losing this race."

    Well brother, set backs are gonna happen but don't let them defeat you. God is in complete control. He'll make a way when there seems to be no way. His timing will always be perfect so learn to depend on Him. He has already given you good doctors, a great family, and friends and relatives that are willing to pray. Believe in Him and thank Him for all the victories. You can even thank Him for what seems like a step backwards because He knows what needs to be done to accomplish His purposes.

    There is a man you can read about in the Bible who,incidentally, is named Paul (your middle name). He, too, had an affliction that he called a thorn in his flesh. He never did say what it was so it could have just as easily been a cancer of some sort. Anyway, he prayed about it and the Lord spoke to his heart and said, "My grace is sufficient for you ..." Paul knew that with the Lord beside him, he would be able to endure the race that had been set before him. Paul went on to say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith."

    Forgive me, Richard, for preaching. I know it is outside of my character but when I read what Amber posted in the Team Poppa Blog, I got pretty excited. Jesus is on your side, brother. There is no doubt about that. Reach out to Him. He'll give you all the stamina you need to win the race.

    By the way, Mary and I are going to come and see you when the timing is right. We'll be in touch with you and Annie in order to choose the best time. Until then, stay strong and keep the faith.

    We love you.

    Your cousins,

    Bob and Mary

  18. I dont know you Bob but you got it right on!!!

  19. Rich & family,
    You are in our prayers.
    The Silva's
